
About Us

Our Company is involved in the business of trading, supplying and servicing of payroll, cheque writer software, office equipment, remanufacturing toner, general printing, label sticker and computer products..Beside that, we also able to repair time recorder machine, copier machine, paper shredder, fax machine, cheque writer machine, typewriter, laminating machine, PC monitor,and all types of printer e.g. Laserjet, Deskjet, Dot-Matrix and inkjet.

Today, Delcom Technology & Office Supply enjoys a mutually beneficial business relationship with a prestigious list of satisfied client which have full confidence in the quality of our product and service offered.

Our mission is to provide the very best source of office product and office innovation automative technologies yet cost efective solution to suit clients day operation toward productivities. We aim to offer competitive price range of products to our valued customers, to provide one stop solution and after sales program.

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